Let Nextstep guide you.

Walking with God is a series of next steps.

Many people want to grow closer to God, but they don't know how or what to do next. They feel alone, adrift in a world that doesn't even talk about God, with no one to guide them. But God calls everyone into deep, intimate friendship with him. It is possible. Nextstep guides believers step-by-step into the profound, authentic relationship with God they are made for.

Step forward in faith.

You were made for this.

Encounter God. Walk with him daily. Pray. Hear God's voice speaking to you personally through the Bible. Learn the heart and habits of discipleship. We'll show you the way.

What is Nextstep?

Your Multimedia Discipleship Guide

Nextstep will guide you one step at a time. Each step represents one discipleship practice that you can do in two weeks or less. When you complete the step in real life, you've completed the Nextstep! But if you want some help along the way, create an account and sign up to receive guidance and daily encouragement to do the step.

Icons & text

  • Nextstep Cards

    Every step prompts a simple action or habit to grow as a disciple, and includes a Nextstep Card that outlines the action. The point of Nextstep is to put faith into action, and this card supplies everything you need to get started. Sign up to download or order hard copies to carry with you!

  • Daily Encouragement

    When you sign up for the step online, you get extra encouragement, direction, and support to help you complete the step. Video instruction, tips, and personal stories will inspire you to make the most out of your experience with each discipleship practice. You don't have to walk alone.

  • Discussion Guides

    Many people find it helpful to have a mentor or friend when trying something new. Nextstep discussion guides show you how to be that friend, helping another grow in their relationship with Jesus. A discussion guide is included with each step!

Become a Guide

Show them the way.

You may be thinking, "But I already know how to pray." Great! There are people in your life who would love to have someone like you walk with them and show them how. Jesus calls you to go make disciples. Nextstep makes it easy.