Go Make Disciples

The Great Commission

You've read it in the Bible, and you've heard it from the Church: you're called to evangelize, to make disciples. But you've also probably wondered what that really means and how to do it. Nextstep provides a format for you to make disciples one friendship at a time, one conversation at a time, one step at a time.

Prepare to lead conversations of faith with

Nextstep Discussion Guides

You have friends who don't pray every day or don't read the Bible. Some of them might be wishing for growth in these areas, but don't know where to begin. They are waiting for someone to show them how. Someone like you. Become a Guide will give you tips for how to discern which of your friends to invite to a conversation like this and how to begin the conversation. Then, you can use Nextstep one-on-one discussion guides to prepare and lead a conversation about each step your friend is ready to take to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Encouragement for Leaders

Instructions and Guidance

    1. Introduction to Become a Guide

    2. Become A Guide: Definitions and Overview

    3. Jason: Go and Make Disciples (Keep it Simple)

    4. Kendra: People Need Friendship & Guidance

    5. Andre: A Story of Becoming a Guide

    6. Josh: Don't Assume

    7. Kendra: A Story of Becoming a Guide

    1. Discern and Invite

    2. Inviting

    3. James: A Story of Becoming a Guide

    4. Josh: A Story of Becoming a Guide

    5. The Initial Meeting (to Propose Nextstep)

    6. One-on-One Guide for First Meeting

    7. Nextstep Card for First Meeting: Decide to Grow

    8. All Nextstep Cards

    9. Andre: Praying For and With Another

    10. Go For It!

    1. Get the Discussion Guide

    2. Andrea: Discover Your Story Too

    3. Kendra: Be Gentle and Patient

    4. James: Tell Me More

    5. Kendra: When Greater Healing Is Needed

    6. James: Remember

    7. Jason: Discovering God is Personal and Close

    8. James: A Prayer for Your One-on-One

    1. Get the Discussion Guide

    2. Andre: Introduction and Tips

    3. Andrea: Thresholds of Belief

    4. Jason: Help Them to Pray in Their Own Words

    5. Kendra: Finding Identity as God's Beloved

    6. Josh: What is Most Valuable?

    7. Jason: Prodigal Son Story

    8. James: A Prayer for Your One-on-One

    1. Get the Discussion Guide

    2. Peter: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    3. Andrea: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    4. James: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    5. Kendra: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    1. Get the Discussion Guide

    2. Jason: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    3. Josh: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    4. Kendra: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

    5. James: Helps for Guiding Others in this Step

About this course

  • Free
  • 52 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content