Your leaders need you now, more than ever.

Imagine that you’ve spent months prayerfully discerning, forming, and training a group of disciple-makers. The rubber meets the road for these disciple-makers when you send them to lead small groups and one-on-ones, and all concepts and training may seem less-than-adequate to them. You’re now a shepherd to the shepherds, and they need your encouragement, support, and inspiration to lean into mission. We’ll coach you to help these leaders guide their flocks into meaningful encounters with the Lord Jesus. We’ll also coach you into tending to your leaders’ further development as Jesus’ servants and friends.

Course Outline

  • 1

    1. Introduction

    • Course Overview

    • Welcome to Shepherd

    • Two Essential Ingredients

    • Update Your Leader Pulse

  • 2

    2. Mission Community

    • Guide Them into Mission Community

    • Video: Mission Community

    • Defining Mission Community

    • The Importance of Mission Community

    • Settings and Frequency of Mission Community

    • A Resource for Mission Community

    • Life on Mission

    • La vida en misión

    • How to Connect People into Mission Community

    • Sample Invitation into Mission Community

    • Three Possible Responses

    • Mission Community in the Leader Pulse

    • Use the Huddle on Mission Community

    • More of an Art than a Science

    • You Need Mission Community Too

  • 3

    3. One-on-One Shepherding

    • One-on-Ones After the Training Group

    • Continue One-on-One Outreach to All Leaders

    • Frequency of Shepherding One-on-Ones

    • Tracking One-on-Ones in Your Leader Pulse

    • Method: Life–Growth–Mission

    • A Basic Formula for Shepherding One-on-One Conversations

    • From Life Circumstances to God's Action

    • Follow-Up Questions Are Your Friend

    • Support for Their Apostolate

    • A Closing Thought

    • Define-Plan-Act Worksheet

    • Guía: Definición – Planificación – Acción

    • What's Next for Your Small Group

    • Qué sigue para tu grupo pequeño

  • 4

    4. Addressing Challenges in Shepherding

    • Challenges Will Arise

    • Desire + Discipline = Delight

    • Tips for Various Scenarios

    • Help Them Prepare for Your Meetings

    • Missionary Discipleship Examen

    • The Chase

  • 5

    5. Huddles and Ongoing Formation

    • We All Need Ongoing Formation

    • Ongoing Formation Happens in Many Ways

    • Huddles: What and Why?

    • Huddles: Who?

    • Huddles: How?

  • 6

    6. Together in Mission (Huddle)

    • Event Overview

    • Publicity Blurb

    • Publicity Materials

    • Video 1: Mission Community

    • Video 2: Mission Groups

    • Facilitator Guide - Together in Mission

    • Participant Guide - Together in Mission

    • Video 1: Comunidad misionera

    • Video 2: Grupos misioneros

    • Guía del facilitador – Juntos en misión

    • Guía del participante – Juntos en misión

    • Video Links for Together in Mission (Huddle)

  • 7

    7. Discover Your Mission (Huddle)

    • Event Overview

    • Publicity Blurb

    • Publicity Materials

    • Video 1: A Unique Mission

    • Video 2: Your Personal Apostolate

    • Facilitator Guide - Discover Your Mission

    • Participant Guide - Discover Your Mission

    • Video 1: Una misión única

    • Video 2: Tu apostolado personal

    • Guía del facilitador – Descubre tu misión

    • Guía del participante – Descubre tu misión

    • Video Links for Discover Your Personal Apostolate (Huddle)

  • 8

    8. When God Seems Distant (Huddle)

    • Event Overview

    • Publicity Blurb

    • Publicity Materials

    • Video: When God Seems Distant

    • Facilitator Guide - When God Seems Distant

    • Video: Consuelo espiritual y sequía

    • Participant Guide - When God Seems Distant

    • Guía del facilitador – Cuando dios parece distante

    • Guía del participante – Cuando Dios parece distante

    • Video Links for When God Seems Distant (Huddle)

  • 9

    9. Accompanying Others in Suffering (Huddle)

    • Event Overview

    • Publicity Blurb

    • Publicity Materials

    • Video 1: Responding to Others' Suffering

    • Video 2: Facing Our Own Need for Healing

    • Facilitator Guide - Accompany Others in Suffering

    • Participant Guide - Accompany Others in Suffering

    • Video 1: Responder al sufrimiento de los demás

    • Video 2: Enfrentando nuestra propia necesidad de sanación

    • Guía del facilitador – Acompañar a otros en el sufrimiento

    • Guía del participante – Acompañar a otros en el sufrimiento

    • Video Links for Accompanying Others in Suffering (Huddle)

  • 10

    10. Crowdsourced Huddle Topics

    • Beyond the Four

    • How to Find a Huddle Topic

    • How to Submit a Huddle Topic

  • 11

    Downloads and Acknowledgements

    • Files from Shepherd

    • Acknowledgements

Ready to REACH MORE?

Ongoing formation, training, and inspiration are necessary to sustain a movement of evangelization. Let’s talk about why.