Course curriculum

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    Overview of Reach More Mission Training

    • Mission Training Content Preview

    • Components of Reach More Formation and Training

    • The Heart and Habits of Mission

    • The Heart and Habits of Discipleship

    • Information for Invitees

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    Mission Training Preview

    • Session 1, Video 1-C: The Evangelization Pyramid

    • Session 2, Video 2-B: Disciples in the Midst of the World

    • Session 2, Video 2-C: A Unique Mission

    • Session 4, Video 4-A: Welcome to Session 4

    • Session 4, Video 4-B: People Are the Priority

    • Session 4, Video 4-C: The Art of Conversation

    • Session 4 Workbook

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    Tell Your Parish about Reach More!

    • Share with Your Pastor

    • Share with Parish Staff