Make Time for Prayer

10 Minutes Every Day

If you've ever struggled with finding time to pray or not knowing how to pray, this step is for you. Just like any friendship, getting to know God requires regular attention and time spent together. This step will guide you to pray for 10 minutes every day and give you direction for how to spend that time.

Talk with God

We'll show you how.

You don't need to know anything about prayer to take this step. We give you tips for making time and prompts for what to pray during that time. Learn to pray using the acronym ACTS: Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication.

Pray Every Day

Take the Nextstep

Your primary goal for this step is to pray using ACTS for 10 minutes every day for two weeks. The Nextstep Card gives you everything you need to do the step. Sign up to download or purchase!

Daily Encouragement

Instruction and Guidance

    1. Pray Every Day

    2. What Is Nextstep?

    3. View or Download the Nextstep Card

    4. Print the Nextstep Card

    5. Order the Nextstep Card

    6. Discussion Guide

    7. Nextstep in Spanish

    8. Gratitude and Acknowledgements

    1. EC Staff: Prayer

    2. Andrea: Beginning Well

    3. ACTS Step 1 - Adoration (Kendra)

    4. ACTS Step 2: Contrition (James)

    5. ACTS Step 3: Thanksgiving (Andre)

    6. ACTS Step 4: Supplication (Josh)

    1. EC Staff: Common Struggles in Prayer

    2. Andre: Making Time for Prayer

    3. Peter: What to Do About Distractions

    4. Peter: When God Doesn't Seem So 'Adorable'

    5. Maturity and Contrition

    6. Jason: Praying for Others Matters

    7. Josh: Silence in Prayer, An Acquired Taste

    1. Tips for Building a Habit of Prayer

    2. Choose Your Next Step

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  • 23 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content