Formation and Training of a Shepherd

From basic skills of leading group formation and one-on-one mentoring, to developing the heart of a shepherd who contends for the sheep, this course will give new point people the foundation they need to lead your local Reach More movement.

Course Outline

  • 1

    1. Course Orientation

    • Course Overview

    • Welcome to Point Person Training

    • Discern & Invite While You Train as Point Person

    • Course Outline & Time Estimates

  • 2

    2. The Vision

    • Imagine . . .

    • Initial Reaction?

    • How Do You Get There?

    • Further Reactions?

  • 3

    3. Point Person Role and Characteristics

    • This Is You!

    • Builder

    • Shepherd

    • Faithful

    • Available

    • Teachable

    • Advocate for the Movement

    • Point Person Role Description

    • Time Commitment

    • Metrics and Feedback: Why

    • Metrics and Feedback: What

  • 4

    4. The Church's Mission of Evangelization

    • Chapter 4 Introduction

    • Embracing Our Deepest Identity

    • The Heart and Habits of Discipleship

    • TG Video: The Evangelization Pyramid

    • The Evangelization Pyramid

    • TG Video: Disciples in the Midst of the World

    • Circle of Influence, Circle of Concern

    • TG Video: A Unique Mission

    • Ministry and Apostolate

    • The EC Baseball Diamond

    • The Limits of Diagrams and Stages

    • The Mission of a Parish

  • 5

    5. Send Missionary Disciples

    • What Does it Mean to "Send"?

    • What Are You Sending Them to Do?

    • TG Video: Discipleship Environments

    • TG Video: The Evangelizing Potential of Small Groups

  • 6

    6. Shepherd Missionary Disciples

    • The "Job" Never Ends—It Changes

    • A Glimpse into Shepherding

    • Other Forms of Shepherding

    • Shepherding Begins in Prayer

    • TG Video: Intercessory Prayer

    • TG Video: Fasting and Making Sacrifices

  • 7

    7. Skills for Facilitating the Training Group

    • They'll Learn From You

    • Reflecting on Your Experience

    • TG Video: The Components and Goal of a Small Group

    • TG Video: Facilitating a Spirit-Filled Discussion

    • TG Video: Navigating Group Behaviors

    • What about Theologically Questionable Comments?

    • TG Video: Discussing Scripture and Asking Good Questions

    • TG Video: Leading Your Group in Prayer

    • A Path to Deepening Group Prayer

    • TG Video: Small Group Prep Method

    • TG Video: An Environment of Friendship and Trust

    • Good to Know

    • TG Video: Making Invitations to Your Small Group

    • TG Video: Small Group Growth Patterns

    • Take-Aways?

  • 8

    8. Prepare for One-on-Ones

    • Training Group One-on-Ones

    • Purpose

    • Six Conversations

    • Not Spiritual Direction

    • Method: Life - Growth - Mission

    • Prayer in One-on-Ones

    • Take Notes

    • Prepare for Each One-on-One

    • Tip: From Life Circumstances to God's Action

    • Tip: Follow-Up Questions Are Your Friend

    • Relevant Attitudes and Skills Addressed in Training Group

    • TG Video: A Personalized Approach

    • TG Video: The Art of Conversation

    • Ten Tips for Better Conversations

    • God Is Already at Work

    • A Spirituality of Communion

    • What's Your Experience?

  • 9

    9. Organizing the Mission Process

    • Partner Dashboard

    • Google Drive Shared Folder

    • Leader Pulse Introduction

    • Four Tabs

    • Tab 1: Potential Leaders

    • Tab 2: Leaders in Training

    • Tab 3: Leaders

    • Tab 4: Contact

    • Sample Leader Pulse

    • Bi-Annual Roadmap

    • Outline: Regular Meetings for Point Person and Pastor (from EC Pastor Manual)

  • 10

    Downloads and Acknowledgements

    • Files from Point Person Training

    • Acknowledgements