The Source and Summit

Encounter Jesus

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life, but we don't always experience that reality. The Mass can seem confusing. We sometimes feel bored and distracted. That's normal. But there's also more. You can have a rich, engaging encounter with Jesus in the Mass.

Jesus is Waiting for You

Just bring yourself.

There are many prayers, tips, and things you could do to get more out of Mass. Here in this step, we give you a specific instruction and prayer to use at Mass. Start with this, and then grow from there. And don't worry about whether you have a profound experience or not. The most important thing is your conscious intention to connect with Jesus personally at Mass. Trust and believe that he meets you there.

Get More Out of Mass

Take the Nextstep

Your primary goal for this step is to go to Mass and bring your specific personal intentions to Jesus in prayer during Mass. The Nextstep Card gives you everything you need to do the step. Sign up to download!

Daily Encouragement

Instruction and Guidance

    1. Get More Out of Mass

    2. What Is Nextstep?

    3. View or Download the Nextstep Card

    4. Print the Nextstep Card

    5. Order the Nextstep Card

    6. Discussion Guide

    7. Nextstep in Spanish

    8. Gratitude and Acknowledgements

    1. The Great (and Messy) Procession to Mass

    2. Jason: A Different Take on Boredom

    3. Liturgical and Devotional Prayer

    4. Kendra: A Question For Every Mass

    5. Offering

    6. Thanksgiving

    7. Andrea's 3 Tips for Getting More out of Mass

    1. Communion

    2. James' 3 Tips for Getting More Out of Mass

    3. Mission

    4. Peter's 3 Tips for Getting More Out of Mass

    5. Preparing Your Offering & Thanksgiving

    6. Preparing For Communion & Mission

    7. Andre: In Case You Missed It - 2 Little Gems in Mass

    1. How Often Should I Go to Mass?

    2. Aids to Praying the Mass: Electronic and Print Resources

    3. Choose Your Next Step

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  • 0.5 hours of video content